Why was I charged? Creditcard statements with CLINH.COM

If you have a credit-card or Paypal statement containg "CLINH.COM", you have bought a product or service of one of the following businesses of Christian Linhart Software:


You may have one of the following questions:

I need an invoice

We usually send invoices for all payments. If you can't find your invoice anymore, we are happy to send it to you again. For that please send an email to christian.linhart{at}clinhart.com. Please include the following info in your email:

Why was I charged?

If you can't remember that you have ordered from us, please ask around in your office. Maybe one of your colleages has ordered from us.

Other questions or requests?

Please send an email to christian.linhart{at}clinhart.com. Please include the following info in your email: We'll be happy to care about your question or request. Please allow 2 business days for the answer. (Though we usually answer much faster.)